Part Three: Creating & Promoting Good Behavior from your Child
This is the last in a series of posts on handling difficult behaviors from children. This blog is aimed at helping parents switch from...
How to Grocery Shop for Optimal Health
I recently read a Washington Post article that said that 8 out of 10 Americans are confused about what is healthy. People are right to be...
How to Manage Stress and Depression with Food
6 foods to avoid and 4 foods to enjoy to help you lower stress and manage your depression.
What to do when my child throws a fit in Target?
Part Two: What to do when my child throws a fit in Target and won't leave the store with me? There are situations when parents do not...
How to eat for maximum nourishment: Why your mind might be working against your body
Anecdotally, we have all heard of stress or anxiety's impact on our gut. Some have referred to this as "butterflies" in our tummy, or...
Part One: How to help my child when they act out
As a play therapist and psychologist who works with kids, I frequently get asked, "what do I do when my child has an outburst, (or a...
Dog and Whale Training
Dogs I am a dog lover, and have enjoyed dogs in my life since I was a child. I purchased my first dog, Winnie, the moment I had purchased...
How to connect with your child: the secret every parent should know.
As parents and adults we eagerly desire to connect with our children, but we often are not sure how, or are unable, to step out of the...
7 reasons you need an experience to grow and heal
1) Experience is believed, because it is felt and lived! Advice or revelation still needs to be tested by experience. 2) Our body and...